Electric Scooter for Kids Denton Texas

Electric Scooter for Kids Denton Texas

B. inggris I stayed in Lumajang and I was collecting materials for the refugees of Semeru eruption. I could provide basic needs, such as food, drink, mat, clothes, medicine, and money of them. Although obviously they were still uncomfortable. We tried to provide some food and much clean water to Pronojiwo. It was the place where some villagers moved to, after leaving their own district. However, they still lacked food, especially for the infants. They also needed masks, blankets and also milk. The refugees took shelter inside some buildings such as school and office building. They needed our help.
1. What is the main idea of the text above? 2. What did the writer collect for refugees? 3. Who did mostly need masks, blangkets and also milk?
4. Where did the refugee take shelter? 5. "... although obviously they were still uncomfortable." (paragraph 1 line 3) The underlined word refers to ...​

PPKn “Boedi Oetomo ( Budi Utomo ) merupakan organisasi pertama di Indonesia yang bersifat nasional. Boedi Oetomo ( Budi Utomo ) berasal dari kata budi yang artinya tabiat atau perangai dan utomo berarti baik atau luhur” Dengan demikian makna organisasi Budi Utomo adalah

a. memberikan insprirasi kepada kaum nasionalis
b. perkumpulan yang didasarkan pada keluhuran budi
c. organisasi yang bersifat social, ekonomi dan politik
d. organisasi yang berdiri atas dasar organisasi yang modern​